
Education sessions at the Museum of Gloucester range from 45 minutes to a full day and include object handling and a chance to explore the Museum. They are suitable for KS1-3 and have curriculum links.

Activity sessions are available with all topics and all sessions can be offered as outreach in your school...



Join our experienced education facilitators to explore the Museum of Gloucester. Educations sessions include:

  • Roman Gloucester (including a visit the Roman Eastgate Chamber)

  • Prehistoric Britain

  • Victorians

  • Anglo-Saxons & Vikings

  • Edwardian (Titanic)

  • History of Gloucester - Reminiscence Box

  • Medieval Gloucester - available at Blackfriars Medieval Priory

  • links to Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development)

And other topics by arrangement…


Museum Mondays

On Mondays we close to the public to allow student-led learning with freedom to discover the Museum collection. Students are able to dress up and handle some of our unique treasures from the past.

Any of the sessions above are available!

Museum at home

Education loan boxes

Available to schools, home educators and care homes, our loan boxes are curated by experts and include Museum objects to handle, activities, lesson plans and teaching guides.

Boxes available include:

  • Roman Gloucester

  • Prehistoric Britain

  • Victorians

  • Anglo Saxon & Vikings

  • Titanic (Edwardian)

  • History of Gloucester

  • Dinosaurs

  • Toys

  • WWII

  • Blackfriars Medieval Priory

School Tours with the Civic Trust

Discover the city of Gloucester with a Civic Trust Tour Guide, plus head to the museum for a special session with the museum educator!

School tour dates are available on request and usually start at 10am from the Museum of Gloucester.

The full tour lasts approx. 60-75 minutes, with up to 20 minutes in the Eastgate Chamber, up to 20 minutes around town plus up to 20 minutes in the museum (walking time included!)


Max places of 60 per tour (split up into groups of up to 15 pupils).


Tickets £2 per primary school child and £3 per secondary pupil.

Education initiatives in the classroom

Wild Escape Project

The Museum of Gloucester is fortunate to have a remarkable education collection that we could take into the classroom for students to view. An example of this is the Wild Escape pilot project.

This allowed us to take our taxidermy displays to The Forest of Dean where students created the most wonderful cartoons that told of the escape from the museum to a better environment. Students were able to get up close with these exhibits and using fact sheets, think about the best environment for things that fly.

We are also delighted to announce our full involvement in the wonderful main venture! The Wild Escape, a major new project uniting hundreds of museums and schools in a celebration of UK wildlife and creativity.

Children looking at a taxidermy display


Support over 2000 years of history

The Museum of Gloucester relies on donations so that we can continue to preserve and display historical sites and collections for years to come. Your support is vital to our work and every donation makes a real difference.

Painting in storage at the Museum of Gloucester. Donate to support our work