Discover the Eastgate Chamber Roman walls , a medieval gate tower and a 16th century horsepool with a Civic Trust Tour Guide…
13th c gate tower and the 18th c latrine…
The history of Gloucester from the 2nd century through to the 18th century is visible in the Eastgate Chamber. You will see the remains of the 2nd century Roman gate and the 4th century walls.
Remains of the 11th century Norman gate are to be seen as well as the 13th century tower and the 16th century horsepool. Learn about the many uses of the medieval tower and the significance of the Eastgate during the Siege of Gloucester in 1643.
Walks run on the following dates in 2023 at 11am.
21 April
5 and 19 May
2, 16 and 30 June
14 and 28 July
11 and 25 August
22 September
Meet at the Museum of Gloucester reception before the tour. The tour lasts approx. 45 minutes- 1 hour.
Max places of 15 per tour.
Tickets £7 per adult with concessions £2 Primary school age and £3 Secondary school age.
Access to the Eastgate chamber may be difficult for those with mobility problems. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Your ticket may also state the event is for All Day - please disregard this, the start time is 11am!